A Blog AboutTips For Aspiring Platform Engineers: Getting Started

Last Updated: Jun 25, 2023
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Platform engineering is a critical aspect of software development that involves the creation and maintenance of infrastructure for software development and deployment. It is a highly sought-after career in the tech world, with projected growth in demand.

Aspiring platform engineers need to become experts on hardware, architecture, and operating systems, and leverage APIs to collaborate with app development or operations teams. This article provides tips and insights for those interested in pursuing a career in platform engineering, including education and career paths, skills to focus on, and the different tools and technologies used in the field.

To become a successful platform engineer, one must have a solid foundation in computer science, coding languages and frameworks, cloud computing, and analytical and problem-solving skills. Building a portfolio of projects and experience, seeking out internships and entry-level positions, and continuing education and professional development are also important steps.

Staying up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends is essential to keep pace with the industry’s rapid changes and advancements. This article aims to provide aspiring platform engineers with the necessary guidance and advice to help them get started on their career paths.

Understanding The Role Of A Platform Engineer

The critical role of a platform engineer in tech companies involves managing and upholding technological systems and cloud platforms, facilitating connections between hardware and software, and handling automation deployment and continuous delivery processes. These professionals function at the core of the company’s technological systems and workflows, and they need to become experts in hardware, architecture, and operating systems. They interface with infrastructure as code (IaC) solutions and leverage APIs to collaborate with app development or operations teams.

Platform engineering is a key aspect of the software development process, and it requires technical skills in designing, building, and maintaining technology infrastructure. Platform engineers need to manage and uphold tech systems and cloud platforms, and they must ensure that these systems are reliable, scalable, and flexible. They are responsible for handling automation deployment and continuous delivery processes, which require them to be proficient in configuration management tools, monitoring and logging tools, version control systems, and collaboration and communication tools.

To become a platform engineer, aspiring professionals should focus on acquiring technical skills in AWS, IaC, Python, Scala, Big Data, Docker, and Kubernetes. Companies look for hard skills and experience in candidates, and most platform engineers have a Bachelor’s degree in a technical field.

As platform engineering is an emerging field with constantly evolving tools, platform engineers must continue to refine their skills to enhance developer productivity and improve the software development process.

Gaining A Solid Foundation In Computer Science

Acquiring a strong base in computer science is essential for individuals aiming to pursue a career in software engineering, particularly in platform engineering. The platform engineering team is responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure for software development and deployment. To excel in this role, individuals must possess a deep understanding of computer science principles and how they apply them to software development.

Software development is a multifaceted field that requires a range of skills and expertise. Individuals looking to break into platform engineering should start by honing their programming skills in languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript. They should also have a strong grasp of computer networks, databases, and operating systems. Additionally, individuals must be able to collaborate with other professionals, such as UX designers, graphic designers, and product managers, to ensure that the software being developed meets user needs.

To gain a solid foundation in computer science, aspiring platform engineers should consider pursuing a degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. Alternatively, they can attend coding boot camps or engage in self-directed learning. Regardless of the path chosen, individuals should focus on building a strong portfolio of projects that showcase their skills and expertise.

By continually learning and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in software development, individuals can position themselves as valuable assets to any platform engineering team.

Learning Coding Languages And Frameworks

Mastering programming languages and frameworks is pivotal for individuals seeking to succeed in the field of software engineering, as it requires a meticulous and methodical approach to maximize proficiency and productivity. Platform engineers must be well-versed in multiple programming languages to effectively navigate the development process, from designing and building to testing and debugging.

Here are three tips for aspiring platform engineers looking to learn programming languages and frameworks:

  1. Choose A Foundational Language: Start by mastering a foundational language such as Java, C++, or Python. These languages are widely used and offer a broad understanding of programming concepts that can be applied to other languages and frameworks. Once you have a strong foundation, you can branch out to other languages that are specific to your needs.

  2. Participate In Open Source Projects: Participating in open source projects allows you to gain practical experience and collaborate with experienced developers. It also offers an opportunity to learn new skills and techniques in a supportive environment. Contributing to open-source projects can also help you build a portfolio that showcases your skills to potential employers.

  3. Stay Up-To-Date On Industry Trends: The software engineering industry is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies is crucial for success. Follow industry blogs and attend conferences and meetups to stay informed on emerging programming languages and frameworks. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and position yourself as a valuable asset to any company.

Learning programming languages and frameworks is an essential aspect of becoming a successful platform engineer. By choosing a foundational programming language, participating in open-source projects, and staying up-to-date on industry trends, aspiring platform engineers can maximize their proficiency and productivity in the field of software engineering.

Familiarizing Yourself With Cloud Computing

Familiarizing oneself with cloud computing is a crucial step towards becoming a proficient and effective platform engineer, as it allows organizations to take advantage of the benefits of cloud infrastructure and microservices architectures. Cloud computing enables platforms to be more agile and responsive to changing business needs, as it provides a stable, scalable, and flexible foundation for building and deploying software.

Platform engineers need to understand the basics of cloud computing, including the different cloud services models, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). They also need to know the different deployment models, such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Familiarity with cloud computing platforms, containerization and orchestration tools, configuration management tools, monitoring and logging tools, and collaboration and communication tools is also important.

In addition to understanding cloud computing, platform engineers need to be able to design, build, and maintain technology infrastructure. This includes activities such as designing and implementing core platform components, creating tools and frameworks, ensuring reliability and security, and maintaining and updating the platform.

Capacity planning is also an important aspect to consider, as platform engineers need to ensure that the infrastructure can handle the software delivery operations of the organization. By familiarizing themselves with cloud computing, container management and infrastructure, platform engineers can build and maintain a stable, scalable, and flexible foundation for software development and deployment.

Developing Analytical And Problem-Solving Skills

Developing analytical and problem-solving skills is an essential aspect of becoming a proficient platform engineer, as it allows individuals to identify and solve complex technical issues that may arise during software development and the deployment process. Platform engineers need to have a deep understanding of technical infrastructure and software delivery processes to be able to troubleshoot and optimize software applications. They must be able to analyze system logs, identify bottlenecks, and optimize system performance to ensure smooth software delivery.

To develop analytical skills, platform engineers should focus on mastering programming languages, data structures, and algorithms. They should also stay current with the latest tools and software development methodologies to stay up-to-date with best practices.

Problem-solving skills, on the other hand, require individuals to approach problems methodically and logically. They should be able to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components and develop solutions that are scalable, reliable, and efficient.

Platform engineers should also cultivate a collaborative approach to problem-solving. They should be able to work effectively with cross-functional teams, including software developers, QA engineers, application developers, and operations personnel. Communication and collaboration skills are critical to ensuring smooth software delivery and deployment.

By developing their analytical and problem-solving skills, platform engineers can become valuable assets to their organizations and help drive the success of software development projects.

Networking With Other Professionals In The Field

Moving on from developing analytical and problem-solving skills, networking with other professionals in the field is crucial for aspiring platform engineers. Networking provides opportunities to learn from experienced professionals, get advice, and gain insights into the industry. By building connections with others in the field, aspiring platform engineers can learn about job opportunities, industry trends, and new technologies. Networking can also lead to mentorship opportunities, which can be invaluable in helping newcomers navigate the complex field of platform engineering.

Networking can take many forms, from attending industry events to joining online communities. It is important for aspiring platform engineers to be proactive in seeking out networking opportunities and building relationships with other professionals. By participating in industry events, joining professional organizations, and engaging with online communities, aspiring platform engineers can build a strong network of contacts that can help them advance their careers.

In addition to building professional connections, networking can also help aspiring platform engineers stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. By participating in industry events and engaging with online communities, aspiring platform engineers can learn about new technologies, tools, and techniques that are being used in the field. This can help them stay ahead of the curve and ensure that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.

Building A Portfolio Of Projects And Experience

Building a portfolio of projects and experience is crucial for individuals pursuing a career in software engineering, as it showcases their skills and expertise to potential employers and demonstrates their ability to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Aspiring software engineers should focus on developing software projects that highlight their programming skills and allow them to learn new concepts and technologies. Building a portfolio can also provide valuable learning experiences, as individuals can learn from mistakes and turn setbacks into opportunities to improve their skills.

To build a strong portfolio, aspiring software engineers should consider the following tips:

  • Choose Projects That Showcase A Range Of Skills: building a portfolio that includes projects that use different programming languages, frameworks, and tools can demonstrate an individual’s versatility and adaptability.

  • Focus On Quality Over Quantity: building a few high-quality projects that are well-documented, tested, and deployed can be more impressive to potential employers than a large number of unfinished or poorly executed projects.

  • Collaborate With Others: working on projects with other developers, designers, or stakeholders can demonstrate an individual’s ability to work in a team and communicate effectively.

By building a portfolio of projects and experience, aspiring software engineers can demonstrate their skills and expertise to potential employers and increase their chances of finding employment in the competitive field of software engineering.

Seeking Out Internships And Entry-Level Positions

In the highly competitive field of software engineering, seeking out internships and entry-level positions can be likened to diving into a pool of opportunities, as it provides individuals with valuable hands-on experience and the chance to learn from experienced professionals in the industry. This is especially true for aspiring platform engineers, who need to become experts on hardware, architecture, and operating systems, and interface with infrastructure as code (IaC) solutions.

Internships are a great way for platform engineers to gain practical experience in a real-world setting. They can help individuals get a foot in the door and learn about the different aspects of platform engineering, such as designing and implementing core platform components, creating tools and frameworks, ensuring reliability and security, and maintaining and updating the platform.

Entry-level positions, on the other hand, can provide individuals with more hands-on experience and opportunities to work on complex projects. They may also offer mentorship opportunities and exposure to different software development methodologies, tools, and frameworks.

Seeking internships and entry-level positions is a crucial step for aspiring platform engineers. These opportunities can help individuals gain practical experience, develop technical skills, and learn from experienced professionals in the industry. By leveraging these opportunities, platform engineers can build a strong foundation for their careers and become valuable assets to software development organizations.

Continuing Education And Professional Development

Continuing education and professional development are essential for software engineers to remain competitive and up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry.

As technology evolves rapidly, software engineers need to keep pace with the changes to remain relevant. They should seek out opportunities for continuing education and professional development, such as attending conferences, workshops, and webinars.

Additionally, software engineers can take advantage of online resources to learn new skills and trends in their preferred learning styles. Professional development can also include self-service resources that enable software engineers to learn new skills at their own pace.

Many online platforms offer courses, tutorials, and certification programs that help software engineers to upskill and stay current in their field. These resources can be particularly useful for those who are unable to attend in-person events due to time or financial constraints.

When it comes to continuing education and professional development, software engineers should be proactive in seeking out resources and opportunities. They should also be open to learning new skills and technologies, even if they are outside their comfort zone. By staying curious and engaged, software engineers can remain at the forefront of their field and continue to grow their careers.

Staying Up-To-Date With Emerging Technologies And Trends

Remaining current with emerging technologies and trends is crucial for software engineers to stay competitive in the industry and ensure they are providing the most innovative solutions for their clients.

As the world of software development continues to evolve, engineers must keep up with new advancements in automation, cloud infrastructure, and continuous integration. Staying up-to-date with emerging technologies not only enhances the skills of software engineers but also keeps them relevant in a constantly changing industry.

Software development is a dynamic field, and emerging technologies are consistently disrupting the industry. Software engineers must remain vigilant in their pursuit of new knowledge, as failing to do so may result in outdated skills and knowledge.

Staying up-to-date with emerging technologies is essential to providing clients with cutting-edge solutions that can adapt to changing business needs. Therefore, software engineers must prioritize continuous learning and professional development to remain relevant and competitive in the field.

To keep up with emerging technologies, software engineers must participate in various forms of learning, such as attending conferences, workshops, and webinars. Additionally, engineers can keep up with emerging trends by networking with other professionals in the industry and joining online communities.

By engaging in these activities, software engineers can stay up-to-date with new trends and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the field. Ultimately, staying current with emerging technologies and trends is essential for software engineers to remain competitive, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional solutions and business value to their clients.


In conclusion, aspiring platform engineers must have a solid foundation in computer science and gain expertise in coding languages and frameworks, cloud computing, and analytical and problem-solving skills. Building a portfolio of projects and experience through internships and entry-level positions is essential. Continuing education and professional development are necessary to stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and trends.

Moreover, platform engineers must maintain a strategic mindset to ensure that infrastructure is scalable, reliable, and secure. They must collaborate with cross-functional teams and leverage APIs to build and maintain infrastructure for software development and deployment. Effective communication, time management, and teamwork skills are crucial for success in this career.

By following these tips and continuously improving their skills, aspiring platform engineers can pave the way for a promising career in this fast-growing field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Of The Most Important Soft Skills For A Platform Engineer To Possess?

Platform engineers should possess strong communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with app development teams and operations teams. They should also have problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and attention to detail to ensure reliable and scalable technology infrastructure.

How Can A Platform Engineer Stay Up-To-Date With Emerging Technologies And Trends In The Field?

To stay current with emerging technologies and trends, platform engineers must continually learn and experiment with new tools and techniques. They can attend conferences, join professional organizations, follow industry blogs, and collaborate with other development teams and peers to expand their knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.

What Are Some Common Challenges That Platform Engineers Face In Their Roles?

Common challenges faced by platform engineers include managing and maintaining complex technical infrastructure, staying up to date with emerging technologies, ensuring reliability and security, facilitating communication between teams, and constantly refining the platform to enhance developer experience and productivity.

Are There Any Particular Industries Or Sectors That Are Especially In Need Of Platform Engineers?

Platform engineers are in high demand across industries, especially in tech and finance. With the increasing adoption of cloud computing and microservices architectures, platform engineers are essential in building and maintaining infrastructure for software development and deployment.

How Does The Role Of A Platform Engineer Differ From That Of A Software Engineer?

The role of a platform engineer differs from that of a software engineer in that many platform engineers focus on building and maintaining infrastructure for software development and deployment, while software engineers design, build, and test software applications. Platform engineering involves designing, building, and maintaining technology infrastructure, ensuring reliability and security, and managing automation deployment and continuous delivery processes.

By Bytinja

Bytinja is a seasoned expert in web development, web design, copywriting, SEO, and all things related to creating exceptional websites. With a passion for crafting immersive online experiences, Bytinja shares practical tips, industry insights, and innovative strategies through their insightful blog. Stay updated with the latest trends and gain valuable knowledge from Bytinja's expertise to elevate your online presence and create websites that stand out in the digital realm.

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